Pet Floral Fashion
Our pets are our family, too!
And sometimes they think they are humans…
Whether your favourite companion is a dog, cat, rabbit, horse, or anything else, you can include them in your special day.
A special day, you say? Hmmm, this could be your wedding day, your pet’s birthday or just a “going out in fashion” occasion.
Q: What could be better than getting married to the love of your life and celebrating with families and friends?
A: Having your pets join in the festivities!
Ring Bearers
Probably the most popular and traditional way to include your pet in your wedding, is to have them as the ring bearer.
Normally, you’d tie the rings to their collar, on a little pillow, and one of your bridal party would guide them down the aisle and look after them, throughout the ceremony.
Dressed For Success
The only thing cuter than a flower crown is a flower crown on a dog or kitty!
Or a bow…or a flower collar
Styling your pets with fresh flowers can be a fun and creative way to celebrate special occasions or simply add some flair to their everyday look. We prioritize the safety and comfort of your furry friends when using flowers in their accessories.
- We choose Pet-Safe Flowers, making sure that the flowers we use are non-toxic to pets. Some common pet-safe options include roses, marigolds, calendulas, violets and sunflowers. We do not use toxic flowers like lilies, tulips or azaleas.
- Floral Collars: A popular way to style pets with fresh flowers is by making floral collars. The base collar is made of a soft, comfortable material to which the flowers are attached. Then, we use floral wire, zip-ties or ribbons to secure the collar in place.
- Size Matters. We choose flowers that are proportionate to the size of your pet. Large flowers may overwhelm smaller pets, so we opt for smaller blooms or use just a few strategically placed flowers.
- Comfort is Key. We ensure that the floral collar or accessory is comfortable for your pet. It should not be too tight or restrictive and your pet should be able to move, eat, drink, and breathe comfortably.
- Be Mindful of Allergies: Just like humans, pets can have allergies. Introduce flowers gradually and watch for any signs of discomfort or allergic reactions. If your pet shows any adverse reactions, such as itching, sneezing or excessive licking, remove the floral accessories immediately.
- Supervise and Limit Time: Don’t leave your pet unattended while they are wearing floral accessories. Pets may try to chew or scratch at the flowers, which can be dangerous. Limit the time your pet spends wearing flowers, especially if they seem uncomfortable.
- Capture the Moment: Styling your pet with fresh flowers can be a great opportunity for a photoshoot. Capture the moment with your pet looking stylish, but remember to prioritize their comfort and well-being over getting the perfect shot.
- Remove Promptly: Once you’ve finished taking photos or celebrating the occasion, remove the floral accessories from your pet. Leaving them on for extended periods may cause irritation or discomfort.
Dressed For Success
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